Korkoro is the tale of a group of gypsies' travelling through Europe during World War II. They are oblivious to new changes which ultimately curtails their movements throughout France. The gypsies are no longer allowed to roam freely and instead they are forced to become resident's. They stumble into a town in France where the mayor take's the group under his wing and attempts to protect them from the armed forces.
The local school teacher who is loosely based on an infamous secret agent, attempts to educate some of the unruly gypsy children along with "Darko", a child trapped inside a man's body who sadly has his life ended unexpectedly much to the sorrow of his gypsy family.
I loved the gypsy music in this film which was used as a central part of the film; as being gypsy's the characters were able to showcase their talents throughout various scenes in the film.
This film ultimately not an uplifting one, but does however make one feel thankful that our basic human rights have not been removed and we are lucky enough to be still able to roam relatively freely throughout the universe, providing we have the funds!