Teenage girl Mia (actress Katie Jarvis) and her younger sister have the misfortune of being brought up by an uncaring 30's something mother who is far more concerned with 'hooking up' with the next eligible guy than caring for her own children.
The premise of this film reminds me of the 2004 Japanese film, "Nobody Knows", where the mother in this film is also lacking in the parenting department, and nabs a rich husband abandoning her family altogether.
Young Mia has some spunk though and sets about trying to pursue her dream of being a dancer. Along the way she find's herself caught up in the relationship between her mother and new boyfriend Connor, actor Michael Fassbender. Michael's character Connor appears to be the cool, hip Dad that Mia and her sister have always wanted. With his charm and ease around others, Connor is able to slowly break through barriers Mia has surrounded herself with and in one foul swoop ruin's this trust.
Hypnotic moments occur when we watch Mia dancing in an abandoned housing estate as we hear the music she dances to and are also swept off into her world. A saviour does appear in the form of her friend one of the keeper's of an abandoned old grey mare. It's at these moments we see Mia's tender side as she tries to rescue the animal.
Typically 'real' in the way that only British cinema can do this genre, we are left with a bleak portrait of Mia's life but also a sense that everything will be ok as Mia proves to us that she can recognise faults in the world and others and is not going to stand for it.
See: MovieRevue - http://charisse-movierevue.blogspot.com/
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