"Air Doll" is a Japanese film by director, Hirokazu Koreeda which featured at the Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) for 2010. This film is based on the Manga series about an inflatable sex doll that finds a soul and falls in love.
This film stirred up mixed reviews by many of the viewers as some commented on how slow it was and others found it too unbelievable. I would argue those that found the film unbelieveable would be taking it too literally. The film is a social commentary on the isolation and loneliness that many of us are faced with today and it has been reported this is particularly the case for youths living in Japan.
Apart from the obvious details such as the representation of the inflatable doll coming too life, I felt the film stayed true to its comic book origins with certain scenes shot as though they were taken straight from the comic book, albeit less stylised than director Robert Rodriguez in his version of the graphic novel, "Sin City". One final scene in the film captures such a moment where "Air Doll" is viewed from above sprawled between some rubbish bins on an abandoned street.
So how about a more up to date photo? Judging by your photo as a child you could be very spunky by now!