"The Tree" stars French Actress/Singer Charlotte Gainsbourg playing a recently widowed mother of four children somewhere in outback Queensland. Her daughter Simone (played by young actress Morgana Davies) is struggling with the death of her father (briefly played by Australian actor Aden Young), and uses the giant Moreton Bay Fig Tree at the side of the house as a way of communicating with him.
Simone shares this secret with her mother Dawn, (Charlotte Gainsbourg) in an attempt to bring the two closer together as it seems day by day Dawn is finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the mundaneness of everyday life.
This is a lovely story with an endearing and exceptional performance from young actress Morgana Davies and she is equally compelling to watch as her screen mother, Charlotte Gainsbourg. Charlotte Gainsbourg's role as the widowed mother is at times frustrating as she seems to lack any sympathy or concern for her children's feelings they too go through the grieving process all in their individual ways, with the youngest child refusing to speak. When Dawn begins a relationship with the local plumber and invites him to the families first Christmas without their father, we see her selfishness and pursuit of happiness despite her childrens feelings.
The giant Fig Tree is central to this story as it begins to overtake the family's lives in more ways than one, and Simone is determined to guard it from harms way.
- A talented young cast that complements Charlotte Gainsbourg's character.
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